Our staff


Teaching Staff

  • Mr P Jeffery, Head Teacher
  • Mr M Cox, Deputy Head
  • Miss Rhian Morgan, Nursery
  • Mrs T Fuller, Reception
  • Miss G Tanner, Reception 
  • Miss P Duff, Year 1 
  • Mrs Y Nyiri & Mrs A Curry, Year 1
  • Mrs N Perugini, Maternity Cover, Year 1
  • Miss T Phillips, Year 2
  • Miss J Powell, Year 2
  • Miss N Ahmed, Year 3
  • Miss F Easton, Year 3
  • Miss A Greipl, Year 4
  • Mrs S Peasey & Mrs Passingham, Year 4
  • Ms R Woods, Maternity Cover, Year 4
  • Miss K Wiltshire, Year 5
  • Mrs N Driscoll, Year 5
  • Miss K McGaffin, Year 6
  • Mr D Cox, Year 6
  • Mrs J Dixon, PPA
  • Mrs N Perugini, PPA


Learning Support Assistants

  • Mrs C Brady, Nursery
  • Mrs S Stepaniuk, Nursery
  • Mrs K Clark, Nursery
  • Mrs M Jones, 1:1 Support Reception
  • Mrs A Barlow, Reception
  • Miss S Gay, 1:1 Support Year 1
  • Mrs K Martin, Year 1
  • Mrs M Gardener, 1:1 Support Year 2
  • Mrs Z Dover, 1:1 Support Year 2
  • Ms C Down, Year 2 
  • Mrs S Harding, Year 2
  • Mrs D Cotto, 1:1 Year 3
  • Mrs L Weeks, Year 4
  • Mrs W Morris, Year 4
  • Mrs M Trickey, Year 5
  • Mrs J Higgins, Year 5
  • Miss A Henson, 1:1 Support Year 6
  • Mrs R Croot, Year 6
  • Miss V Coles, Year 6
  • Mrs L Hall, Year 6
  • Miss E Lewis



  • Mrs J Paddock, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Learning Mentor & Family Liaison
  • Mr P Jeffery, Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
  • Mr M Cox, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs V Wilson, SENDCO


Office Administration

  • Miss J Rosewarne, Office Manager
  • Mrs N Jefferies, Office Administrator


School Caretaker

  • Mr M Hancock


School Meals Supervisory Assistants

  • Mrs K Halladay
  • Mrs J Higgins
  • Mrs L Hartnell
  • Mrs M Phillips
  • Mrs S Brown
  • MIss E Joyner
  • Miss K Kelly
  • Miss S Price 
  • Miss K Smith
  • Miss S Palmer
  • Mrs S Palmer
  • Miss F Daw
  • Mrs N Clark
  • Miss S Purnell


Breakfast Club

  • Mrs D Royal, Breakfast Club and Cleaner
  • Miss E Joyner, Breakfast Club 


Afterschool Club

  • Miss V Coles, Afterschool Club & LSA
  • Miss J Higgins, Afterschool Club & LSA



Local Governance Committee (LGC)

Message from Chair of Governors

I am very pleased and proud to have a long association with Cheddar Grove primary school having been elected as Chair in 2000. Prior to this I was a governor of the infant school and Chair of the PTFA.

We fully support the school ethos: Rooted in Joy, Growing Together, Learning for Life.

The Governing Body is committed to working hard to ensure our children are provided with the best possible opportunities to thrive in a safe environment and I look forward to working with you all to ensure this happens.

Karen Dursley
Chair of Governors


Our Governors

Mr Declan Ashley: Community Governor and Vice Chair
Term of office: 1/2/19 - 31/1/25

Ms Georgina Bishop: Parent Governor
Term of office: 12/11/21 - 11/11/25

Mrs Karen Dursley: Community Governor and Chair
Term of office: 1/2/19 - 31/1/25

Ms Abi Griffiths: Parent Governor
Term of office: 12/11/21 - 11/11/25

Miss Emily Harris: Community Governor
Term of office: 20/1/22 - 19/1/26

Mr Paul Jeffery: Headteacher
Term of office: Ex officio

Georgia Tanner: Staff Governor
Term of office: 12/5/23 - 11/5/27


More information

Contact us

If you wish to contact the AGC please email: clerktogovernors@cheddargroveschool.org.uk.



If you would like your child(ren) to attend our school, please see our admission arrangements below:


Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

At Cheddar Grove Primary School, we are fully inclusive. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential in all areas.

Pupils are identified as having SEND when they have a greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age which prevents or hinders them from making expected progress.

Our SEND information report (Pdf) gives you the information regarding the approaches we use to ensure all of our pupils are supported to make progress, realise their full potential and have the best possible life chances.

Further information


Mrs Wilson - SENCo
Tel: 0117 903 0418
Email: office@cheddargroveschool.org.uk


Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. We are committed to providing an education full of opportunities that will prepare all pupils for their future with a positive attitude and an ambition to be the best they can be. We aim to encourage and develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full and strong consideration is given to the allocation of resources to support this vision.

The impact of the pupil premium at Cheddar Grove

Pupil premium funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children from families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals entitlement (FSM) now or within the last six years.

For details on how the pupil premium is utilised and the impact it has made please see our plans below.

Registering for free school meals

If you think you might be entitled to free school meals please see the Bristol City Council's website.

Alternatively you can come into school and speak to someone in the school office.



House System

Every child is put into a House from half way through reception until year 6. This was founded in 2006 and has become a vital part of school life, helping us to create a family atmosphere. Children are awarded House points for pieces of work, behaviour or competitions. These are given by all members of staff who also belong to a House. The Houses are based upon star constellations and are:

  • Delphinus – a blue dolphin
  • Lupus – a red wolf
  • Pegasus – a purple flying horse
  • Scorpius – a yellow scorpion

At least once every term there are House assemblies that involve all children in the House from Reception to Year 6 and all the House staff. There is also a House playtime, either before or after the service depending on the rota, where all the children play together. The Reception children are supported by Year 5 using a buddy system where each Reception child is paired with a Year 5 pupil who collects them for assembly and looks after them throughout the session taking them back to their classroom afterwards.

We also have regular House challenges such as inter House quizzes, House rounders and House archery competitions. This is a chance for children to take part and win House points over and above the ones they gain in the classroom. All staff have personalised House points that they can award for a variety of reasons, such as good work, good behaviour, helpfulness, politeness, representing the school at a sports event and so on.

Each House has two House captains who are selected after Easter when they are in Year 5 after making a presentation during a House assembly. Their term of office runs for a year and includes leading services together with the staff, raising and arranging House matters and counting and displaying House point totals each week. These totals accumulate over the term and at the end of term there is a whole school House cup service and the winning House captains are presented with the cup, which will then be displayed for the next term adorned with ribbons in the House colour.

Each House has worked on a motto, chant or song that is a part of every House service and the captains all have t-shirts decorated with the symbol of the House. All Houses also have a House Mascot that the captains bring to House Assemblies.

The House system has made a great impact on Cheddar Grove, it has fostered close liaison between all the key stages and the staff, impacted on conduct and behaviour throughout the school, raised effort and achievement and nurtured a real team spirit to work towards a common goal.


Sport and PE premium funding

What is the sports premium?

All schools receive additional funding from the government, to support the development of sport and physical education (PE) across their school. Funding must be used to facilitate additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport within the school, and to encourage healthy and active lifestyles. More information can be found on PE and sport premium for primary schools.



Please find below a final copy of our recent Ofsted report that judges our school to be Good overall. Whilst we are extremely delighted with this outcome, we would also like to share with you that of the five areas judged by Ofsted, four have been recognised as Outstanding.

 This is a real testament to all the hard work and dedication of all those involved in the life of Cheddar Grove Primary School.  We thank the whole school community for your  support and partnership in ensuring that our pupils flourish from the moment they start school.

Cheddar Grove Primary Ofsted report 2023




We focus on finding out and reporting on the progress our pupils are making so that they can move forward with their learning.

Assessment techniques

At Cheddar Grove Primary School we use a range of techniques to assess the progress the children are making. We believe that the process is most effective when the children are engaged and involved in assessing their progress and thinking about how they can improve their work. This formative assessment helps us all understand what steps are needed to move the children forward and takes place on a day-today, week-by-week process.

You may see examples of formative assessment in action when teachers give feedback to children - often verbally in class (or you see comments on how children could improve their work in their books); when children have identified what they have done well/need help with or how they feel about their work. These are usually linked with the focus for a lesson (or a series of lessons) and activities like quizzes can help remind children of what they have learnt and help them remember it better.

Of course there are also times we need to carry out summative assessments, to make sure that individuals and groups of children are making progress and improving in their learning. This can be done through the use of tests, ticks, marks and observations (particularly with our younger children or with subjects such as Science). They help us identify areas of learning that the school is doing well at and areas which have room for improvement. They also help us identify groups which need different kinds of support.

Key stage 2 data: 2021-22

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Our results


Futura Learning Partnership

Cheddar Grove Primary School is an academy and a Futura Learning Partnership school, registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH.

Registered office: Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1PH
Tel: 0117 946 1229
Email: enquiries@futuralearning.co.uk
Website: www.futuralearning.co.uk

Futura Learning Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07746787.

Further information:



We have lots of great opportunities within our trust, take a look at the current vacancies.


Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to give Ofsted your views of our school at any time of the year.

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Your views are really important in helping inspectors form a judgement about our school, and to help us know what is going well and what could be improved.

To give your views you must first register with Parent View.

You will also be able to see what other parents and carers have said about Cheddar Grove Primary school. Unfortunately no results will be shown until there are over 10 completed questionnaires.

If you do not have a computer or an email address, or if you would like help to use Parent View, please get in touch with us.
